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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since the mid-eighties and throughout the nineties, IES Calvià, is considered a public institute having reference times has come to accommodate more than 1000 students. Our project aims at facilitating mobility of 13 students and 6 teachers. Regarding the profile of the students can include: * Administrative management: these mobilities that will enable our students to advance knowledge of management and bureaucratic procedures and customer service in a company framed within the tourism sector. Coleg Cambria counts for this purpose with a travelagency, offices of attention to the educational community and students on campus, in the case of South Cheschire College. The profile of our students requires management internationalization, since in Mallorca, and especially in our town, Calvia, there is a large influx of English tourists, justifying that has a broad business network encompassed in the tourism sector. * Dual VET: IES Calvià is with another school in Mallorca the most advanced in the implementation of the Dual VET in Kitchen & Gastronomy. Germany is the country that greatly contribute to the improvement of skills of our students for two reasons: 1. There are many foreign residents and 2. the flow of German and British tourists accounted for 70% of the total flow of tourists coming to the islands. These are students have a large practical experience within the workplace and have the need to obtain an official certification that allows them to advance in their consolidation into the labour market. In this sense, the experience in the center RBZ1 of Kiel will be decisive, being a center with a much extensive experience in the delivery of Dual VET. * FP Basic: Students who attend basic need FB are characterized by a degree of motivation, since there are a high number of school leavers that focuses on students attending these studies. The Italian center of the Agenzia delle Colline Astigiane is a privileged place in relation to basic VET, up to the point that has over ten years of experience in this regard. * Cooking and Gastronomy: Students of this professional family will learn in schools in the UK, Cambria and SCC, to join a company with an innovative organization, as there is only restaurants open to the educational community, that counts with an open service to the public through the possibility of recording orders on a web page. This, along with the skills and competencies acquired in a British center will contribute decisively when their integration into the labor market in Mallorca. * Laboratory of Image and Sound: laboratory students have a particularly oriented cosmopolitanism profile, appreciation of graphic and audiovisual expression, multiculturalism, as well as aspects that link them with the growing interdependence of media and communication . All this helps them adapt more easily to labor demands of businesses and the public entity television IB3 (located at a few meters distance from our institute), which generates about 3,500 jobs, direct and indirect. Regarding teachers, they also feel encouraged to participate in shadowing, mainly in the case of young teachers and throughout their studies lived in a European country. It is, therefore, qualified individuals who value having access to an experience of mobility s that complements their practical training and contribute to consolidate them as specialists in teaching. A) The impact of the project for students, teachers and institutions is: * Development expertise both at the level of administration, processing of documentation, such as management and customer service. * Access to new methodologies of teaching from the perspective of a company that not only operates in the Balearic key productive sector, but one of flows-emitting countries tour to the islands. * Ability of coordination with the work team of the institution participating in the project. * Increase in the language proficiency of teachers as learners. * Improvement of social skills and adaptability to new environments. * Autonomy and capacity for self-organization and decisiones. * Increase creativity and ability to generate new ideas from business. * Cultural openness in organizations participantes. * Transfer of knowledge and new methods of teaching and learning methodologies and productive exchange of ideas and know-how between institucions. * Decrease in inequalities of gender in the labour market by the increase and qualification of the students. * Increase the collaboration of teachers for improved implementation of educational policies. * Improvement of employability. (B) Impact on organizations: * Increase of the attractiveness in vocational training reducing the high levels of abandonment. *Incresing motivation on other levels of education encouraging them to make projects. *Increase of the number of requests in participation of mobilities. *Increase in the number of enrolments of students to attend vocational training.
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