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Crossing Borders for the Restoration of our Shared Heritage.
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Din l-Art Ħelwa will organise a youth exchange project involving 18 youth, with two other organisations which are Rempart from France and Society for Preservation of Israel Heritage Site from Israel. Throughout this project we will work at stimulating our spirit of initiative, creativity, entrepreneurship and the promotion of volunteering. In 2012 Din l-Art Ħelwa organised a youth exchange project with Rempart which took place in Coucy-le-Château-Auffrique where the youth worked together on the restoration of the 13th century castle and fort of Château de Coucy. Following the success of this event, Din l-Art Ħelwa is managing another youth exchange project with Rempart to be held in Malta. The project will also include a third organisation which is Society for Preservation of Israel Heritage Site from Israel which will therefore enrich the cultural element of the project. The aim of the project is to bring together a group of 18 youth from three different countries to work together as a team and restore the 'Historic Garden of Rest' in Msida. Youth will be given hands on practice on stone restoration and conservation as they will also be assisted by a stone conservater. Each work package will involve a process with a number of tasks to be performed in sequence. The methodology that will be applied will involve identifying the work that needs to be completed and sharing the tasks after analysing who will be the best person to carry out the work and how the activity should be coordinated on site. During this youth exchange, the participating youth will also visit fully restored museums and other sites of importance in Malta. We will visit Mdina where will have meetings with restorers, museum managers and project managers employed in this sector in order for the youth to find out more about their job possibilities in this field. Amongst the places that will have the opportunity to visit whilst in Mdina are The ditch, Palazzo Falson and the Carmelite Priority. We will also organise a cultural visit to Valletta to learn more about the art of restoration. We will meet the Project Manager responsible for the refurbishment and restoration of the breakwater and the lighthouse structure which was a project funded by the EU funds and which poses a good opportunity for the youth to learn about the difficulties encountered during the implementation phase of the project. The Project Manager will also provide youth with vital information about Health and Safety issues that need to be taken into consideration when managing such ambitious projects. Furthermore, through this youth exchange we will have time to share cultural experiences that will help us appreciate better the diversity of our societies and the different cultures that we live in. By the end of this youth exchange project we aspire to achieve a number of results. First of all we hope that the participating youth would have gained a better understanding both of the cultural differences that exist between the youth coming from a different cultural background and the way by which they can utilize these differences to learn from each other and contribute to our heritage. Secondly, we also hope that the three organisations that will participate in this youth exchange will establish closer links in order to be able to organize other similar events in the future. Moreover, due to the restoration works that the youth would have carried out at the Historic Garden we would have also contributed to the Maltese community by safeguarding its heritage and preserving it for the future generations.

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