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Crossborder initiative for lifelong learning of women and youth Prekomejna iniciativa za vseživljenjsko učenje žensk in mladine / Határonáttérö iniciativa az Életen át tartó tanulás- ra nőknek és fiataloknak (WOMEN & YOUTH)
Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project should improve educational programs for employment and support tools for women, physically disabled people, the youth and long-term unemployed individuals. The participants will gain basic theoretical and practical skills which will enable them to start their own businesses and help in reducing the problems of employment. Group work in groups via an innovative method in the project will enable experience sharing and establishing connections among participants which in the end will help in developing the entrepreneur climate and rising of competitiveness of the cross-border SLO-HUN area Expected Results: 3 developed curriculums (the expert ground works) for three different training programs for the target groups in HUN, the studies carried out and the state analysis on the project area (in Slovenia and Hungary) – bilingual document, 2 organized initial and ending press conferences in the project time (in Slovenia, 1 organized common international cross border conference on the Slovenian side, 60 thematic courses, 1distance learning in HUN, 6 the good practises examination in Slovenia and Hungary, 4 implementation of participants bilateral meetings within the target groups for networking, 6 bilateral workshops implementation for cross boarder fostering of business cooperation (internationalization), 10000 bilingual leaflets, 1000 CD, 1000 the promotion bilingual folders, 1000 pendants implementation for the handbag, 1 web page (bilingual) with upgrading, 3 newspaper announcements, the project logo implementation, 9 e-contents preparing, 2 study trips for participants in Hungary, 1 study trips for coaches (in Slovenia and Hungary), 5 computer purchasing (in Slovenia and Hungary), the prepared exhibition as a business opportunities searching in Slovenia, 2 bilateral workshop implementation for the business opportunities searching (in Slovenia), 2 informational workshops implementation in Hungary, 3 local dissemination in Hungary, 1800 bilingual leaflets implemented in Hungary for the local promotion, 80 posters implemented in Hungary for the local promotion, the server tenancy for the sustainable and additional distance learning in Hungary.
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  • 72.7%   507 610,93
  • 2007 - 2013 Slovenia - Hungary (SI - HU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants