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Cross Channel Film Lab Training Programme
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objective of the Cross Channel Film Lab training programme is to support brave, original and imaginative use of visual effects and/or Stereo 3D in low to medium budget feature films.The unique foundation of the Cross Channel Film Lab training programme is its recognition of the need to intervene as early as possible in the process of writing and developing projects, with the input of new imaging technologies experts (digital visual effects (VFX) and stereo 3D) who come to brainstorm with writers and directors. To this end, the training combines traditional learning opportunities (case studies, seminars) with hands-on training, group and individual project mentoring, and peer learning. It offers a blended learning approach, with online material providing an opportunity to revisit past sessions, and to generate online discussion and community with a wider group of industry participants.The training programme aims to support 24 filmmakers directly and 24 filmmakers virtually via live online Open Sessions. Applicants will be invited to apply as writer-director-producer teams or as individuals. One four-day workshop will be set in France (Brittany), and one three-day workshop will be set in UK (Cornwall) over an eight-month period, with virtual consultancy sessions taking place in between.

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