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Cross-borders intercultural and societal entrepreneurs
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The European Union faces a migrant and refugee crisis which requires pulling together effective and innovative intercultural and social entrepreneurial literacy processes for empowering leader immigrants and refugees to be part of the solution and the decision making processes involved in creating sustainable communities, in their host country and their country of origin.The OECD survey of adult skills 2013 (PIAAC) states that England and Northern Ireland have some of the highest proportions of adults scoring at or below Level 1 in numeracy among the 17 participating EU countries (24.1% of 16-65 years old or around 8.5 million people). Bearing both studies the project aims to develop, equip and skill up adult educators to work with leaders from the Horn of Africa diaspora communities to overcome key barriers to their inclusion and participation in their communities. At the same time to develop a sense of care and responsibility towards new migrants and refugees groups, especially those with developmental disabilities. All these demands require an ethical and entrepreneurial contextualised education and training, which faces and challenges discrimination, stigmatisation and isolation of these cohorts, including those with physical and cognitive disabilities who are not visible in society. This contextualised education and training is based on human development-centred approach which deals with human scale development needs such as: subsistence, protection, affection, understanding, participation, recreation, creation, identity and freedom. An ethical, cognitive, experiential and relational learning and teaching model should serve to effectively engage adults in their education and training. The model enables to release migrants and refugees capabilities to create their own solutions, and the appropriate conditions to tackle the challenges facing within their hosting communities and within their communities of origin. General aim:The project aims to facilitate the exchange of inclusive, intercultural and social entrepreneurial training models among 4 countries: Sweden, Spain, UK and Turkey It also aims to design innovative outputs and ideas based on an ethical, cognitive, experiential and relational educational model for enhancing basic and advanced skills and key competences of adult educators working with migrants and refugees communities (or clans as in the case of Somalis) leaders, including those with disabilities. Specific aims: a) Develop the following innovative outputs: Output: Phase I: A Migrants and refugees as rebuilders curriculum A human centred curriculum to be built by the adult learners identifying, deconstructing, analysing, redefining their needs having as a benchmark the matrix of existential and axiological human needs developed by Manfred Mac Neef and based on Sen´s capabilities themes: Capability towards political freedoms, economic facilities and social opportunities towards social cohesion and social entrepreneurship: Personal level: Capability for individual transformation, Professional level: Ethical Governance against corruption (EG) based on a social entrepreneurship values: common good, reciprocity, mutuality, social justice, Societal level: Livelihood, skills for life Focused on financial literacy: How to balance my needs with how to manage my money, how to manage my savings for enhancing numeracy, accountability, savings skills. Output: Phase II: Migrants and refugees as rebuilders self-assessment competences frameworkA self-assessment competences framework for migrants and refugees as rebuilders based on a value-based societal entrepreneurship competence framework (ethical, cognitive and experiential), specifically addressing the key challenges of social and community enterprises and entrepreneurs:• Ethical stance (combating corrupted practices).• A participatory culture, governance and facilitative leadership. • Social marketing (changing behaviour) and access to markets.• Funding for social enterprises and community enterprises. • Individual and social accountability and impact. Output: Phase III: Migrant and refugees as rebuilders : Micro level indicators of social integration Adult educators design social cohesion and integration indicators of migrants, refugees at micro social level. Having the benchmark of the Migrant Integration Policy Index ( This tool will help us to identifyand prevent the radicalization of migrants and refugees, as it will give us a scan about how and where integration works and is not working.Target audiences: From Sweden, Spain and TurkeyDirect: adult educators of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers Indirect beneficiaries: migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, including those with developmental disabilities.
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3 Partners Participants