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Cross-border village caretaking service (Falugondnokság 2)
Start date: May 14, 2013, End date: May 13, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project partners in this programme are: Association of Village Caretakers between Duna and Tisza (Hungary), the Forum žena (Kishegyes, Serbia),the Peščarska visoravna (Horgos,Serbia).Project’s goal: presentation of village caretaking service in Vojvodina, one of the ’best pactices’of Outspreading it , network development;events for civil organisations, partner local governments, local communities.Exchange of experiences and to pass each other different methods,solutions via co-operation.12 work meetings with project partners; 4 conferences regarding experiences of Hungarian and Serbian village caretaking services (opening, closing, professional for decision makers and regarding the changes in the public administration); 4workshops regarding village caretaking at Óbecse, (Bečej) Bácskertes, (Kupusina) Muzslya, (Mužlja) and Satrinca (Šatrinci);2study visits:to Hungary to get to know the service and in North-Back to familiarize with the cultural, communal and civil system of the region;joint vocational training for the village caretakers from both countries at Lakitelek; ensuring publicity:on the webpages of PPs, via Hungarian and Serbian media;newsletters,press release,Information Centre; brochure and movie in three languages about the results and the service.Open days (4 locations) to introduce the work of village caretakers,an opportunity to civil organisations,local governments, delegates,village caretakers on both sides of the border to think over the opportunities of co-operation regarding the service.Outputs of the project:cooperation,experience,building network, increasing equal opportunities amongst disadvantageous population/civil organisations,co-operation agreements, expanding the opportunities of the border region. In the operation of the village caretaking service the Hungarian experiences can be built in as an answer tothe local needs, which can be utilized as best practices in both countries. Achievements: The goal of the project was to present and establish a village caretaking service in Vojvodina based on the Hungarian model, which is considered to be one example of best practice in the European Union. The Hungarian experiences can be built into the operation of the village caretaking service as an answer to local needs, and these can be used as best practices in both countries. The project is the continuation of the previous and very successful project in the 1st Call for Proposals (HUSRB/0901/222/141). The project included, among others things, network development, events for civil organisations, the local governments of the partners and local communities, and the exchange of experiences. The partnership held 12 working meetings, 4 conferences on the experiences of the Hungarian and Serbian village caretaking services, 4 workshops about village caretaking in Bečej, Kupusina, Mužlja and Šatrinci, 2 study visits to Hungary to get to know the service and to North Bačka to get to know the cultural, communal and civil system of the region. The partners organised a joint vocational training for village caretakers from both countries in Lakitelek, Hungary. The partner organisations strengthened cooperation between communities living on the social periphery, in the border region, which are facing the same problems in both countries. The project contributed to increasing equal opportunities by improving human resources according to the lifelong learning trend, and contributed to reducing the marginalisation of underprivileged social groups by improving the communal, social, economic and civil network.

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  • 85%   65 756,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants