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Cross-Border University Network for Intercultural Communication (CUNICC)
Start date: May 19, 2011, End date: Nov 18, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

To develop MA programme in ICC; to train lecturers, who will teach ICC, prepare textbooks and provide facilities and equipment necessary for the teaching process; To promote the culture of the neighboring country Achievements: The project “Cross-Border University Network for Intercultural Communication”, MIS-ETC code 795, with a total eligible value of 917,694 Euro contributed to enhancing cross-border cooperation between universities by developing bilateral contacts between Romanian and Bulgarian students, university lecturers and representatives of the business and administration sectors.The main results of the project were: creating a textbook “Basics in the intercultural communication” in Bulgarian and Romanian language; organizing language courses in Bulgarian and Romanian, carried out in parallel by the four universities involved in the project (a total of 70 students graduated these courses); facilities for intercultural training – 4 study rooms equipped with IT and AV equipment in the 4 partner universities; creating a frame for a Virtual Library regarding intercultural communication, available at:
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  • 84.9%   778 388,83
  • 2007 - 2013 Romania - Bulgaria (RO-BG)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants