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Cross-Border Research on Functional Analysis and Differential Equations (REFADE)
Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Two cross-border institutions, West University of Timisoara and University of Szeged, initiated a joint project on the level of two research groups working on modern and interconnected major areas as functional analysis and differential equations. The general objective of this partnership is to strengthen the interuniversity collaboration in order to increase the scientific qualification of the staff and improve the quality of education. Specifically, the aims of this cooperation are to harmonize and improve the two areas of mathematical research, to develop the professional skills and competencies of young researchers in the cross-border area and to increase the international visibility of the participating institutions.Direct beneficiaries of the project are experienced (university staff), young researchers (master/ Ph.D. students). To be more precise, primary beneficiaries are the persons involved in the project implementation (9 professors/ 6 Ph.D. students). Secondly, we can mention here the other members of the groups on functional analysis/ differential equations of the two departments (Hungarian and Romanian; about 25 persons) and the students included in the master/ Ph.D. programs on these two related fields of study (about 60 persons).The main specific activities of the project are organization and participation at joint meetings, exchanges of experience and joint training for young/ senior researchers.Among project results: 2 workshops, 2 training activities, 6 research stages of young researchers at the cross-border institution, 50 people participating in workshops.

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  • 85%   36 026,40
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants