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Cross-border cooperation in sustainable agricultural research and education via improvement of stress resistance of wheat (Strong wheat)
Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the concerned Hungarian-Romanian Cross-border Region (Timis and Csonrad counties), cereal production means the source of life. Yield, however is reduced by environmental stresses (i.e. rusts and other diseases) and the yearly loss may be as high as 25-50%.The project targets an environmentally sound cooperation among the four well-known institutions of the Timis-Csongrad area, the goal of the project being to improve the stress resistance level of cereals, to get more information on the existing crop varieties and to develop new ways and methods in plant molecular biology, plant breeding, stress physiology and agronomy. Exchange of experimental materials and methods, as well as maintaining the genetic diversity in this old, important agronomy area, are of high priority in the program. Information gathered shall be transferred to farmers and agricultural professionals in both side of the border. Thus, wheat varieties used in the Hungarian and Romanian agriculture are tested in various stresses and agronomy environments. The results are transferred to farmers via open field days, and published materials in both countries. Research teams, experts, university lecturers and other professionals are also targeted by the project. Seminars and educational materials are organized at Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, held by Hungarian experts in the field of various subjects (biotic resistance, molecular biology, agronomy) The target groups of the project are: researchers, teachers, students, involved in the actual implementation of the project. Beside the above 30 academics, there are additional 50 peoples who will work in the project, farmers, consumers as well as all the cereal producers and processers in the region.
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  • 82.8%   253 497,20
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants