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Cross border cooperation in management of Venta river basin area nature values (Live Venta)
Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Pollution load from Latvia and trans-boundary nutrient load from Lithuania is significantly impacting the Baltic See environment. Venta river basin extends on both sides of the border. Therefore, cooperation between Latvia and Lithuania on joint protection of environment of the river basin must be developed. Project objective is sustainable management of environmental resources in Venta river basin area. Improved surface water quality and maintenance of nature values is the target of intended planning and practical activities. These include improvement of water bodies, cleaning campaigns, environmental assessments, development of protection plans for protected nature areas. Project also aims at increasing awareness about Venta river basin management issues and nature values. This objective will be reached by publicity campaigns, targeted training of municipal officials and involvement of anglers, volunteers, school children in practical nature protection activities and development of educational infrastructure, for example, nature trails and information stands. Cross-border cooperation and exchange of experience will be supported by development of Venta river basin cross-border management plan. Since this is the first joint project in Venta river basin area involving nine partners from both countries, projects lead partner expects that the partner network created during the project and uniting all partners will become joint cooperation platform for the future.
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  • 81.8%   348 774,89
  • 2007 - 2013 Latvia-Lithuania (LV-LT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants