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Cross Border Business Advisor Network (Advisor Net)
Start date: Nov 30, 2011, End date: Nov 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The ADVISOR NET project is focusing on sustainable development of the cross border region throughout development of cooperation among stakeholders in the CB region concerning competitiveness and employability through establishing closer business and educational ties. A comprehensive research in Vojvodina, Bacs-Kiskun and Csongrad Counties will serve as a basis for creation of a joint study which will be elaborated and developed by experts in cooperation with the project partners. Based on findings during the researches and conclusions of the study a joint Cross Border Advisor Programme will be developed which will contain 3 sub-programmes, namely the "Student Advisor", the "Start-up Advisor" and the "SMEs and Cluster Advisor" programmes. Throughout series of trainings, workshops, and a Career Days event, target groups of mentioned programmes will gain contemporary knowledge and necessary skills for more successfull business cooperation in the whole CB area. The CB region’s benefit from project results is visible due to the fact that the business cooperation and the reduction of unemployment rate will be supported on both pre-employed and post-employed levels by developing and adopting the CB Business Advisor Programme in the whole CB area.The project represents a combination of market research, analytical work, implementation of trainings, consultancy, experience exchange and networking. Market research and analytical work will be carried out with the aim of getting information on SMEs’ needs on labor skills and competencies which can upgrade individual and corporate performances, thus prevent future unemployment of existing workers.The numeorus dissemination activities will enhanse the visibility of project actions and will provide chance to reach and involve a huge number of citizens of the CB area. By the implementation the cooperation among labour market mediators, SMEs, and educational isntitutions will be put to higher level. Achievements: The first workshop with the topic: "Current challenges of the cross-border labor market" where stakeholders from both countries were participating was organized in Subotica, on 12th of March with 30 participants.
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  • 85%   157 911,30
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants