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The CrosboR&D project aimed at improving the transfer of research results, technology and innovation from the academic environment to SMEs, which would boost their innovation potential on one hand and enhance the competitiveness of the cross-border region as a whole. CrosboR&D was designed as a joint trilateral project, which means that all its activities either took place in or had an impact on all three countries. Achievements: The project resulted, among other things, in a new methodology, information acquisition definition, identification of university R&D units and a R&D unit questionnaire. It also lead to a methodology and questionnaire to be used in analysing SME absorption capacity for innovation and discoveries made by university R&D units, as well as personal interviews with representatives of the latter. Another result of the project was a website. Under the project, an estimate was also made of the absorption capacity for the transfer of innovation, research and development into SMEs. 4 promising project proposals were selected, along with the technology experts, which represent the realisation of R&D activities that had contributed to the development of 4 new products or services. The project included also 2 SME education programmes and 3 international press conferences.
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  • 71.3%   97 714,28
  • 2000 - 2006 Slovenia - Hungary - Croatia (SI-HU-HR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

8 Partners Participants