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Cresterea calitatii managementului in VET
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Improving the quality in VET aims to develop the capacity and ability of 20 school inspectors and managers in VET schools in Dolj County of diagnosis , prognosis and design programs for professional moblility of organization , mentoring , guidance and evaluation the trainings program of placement in a company. The project aims to support innovation and promote quality in training by transferring best practices and European models and building partnerships at European VET mobility , leading to a sustainable education and training and a rise in labor market integration for work graduates . It responds to training needs identified educational managers of knowledge of policies and strategies and professional European training systems training, effective management approach, tailoring training programs adapted to training needs and labor market requirements , the update / completing communication techniques , strategic and operational leadership and practice language skills and multicultural communication . The target group consists of 20 school inspectors , school inspector managers, directors, responsible for methodical commisions or responsible for the professional training from vocational schools of the Dolj County , who will participate in a traineeship stage from 8 to 14 June 2015 , hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Paphos , Cyprus. Training activities will include job shadowing activities in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and member organizations that develops training activities of the school VET mobility projects , workshops for effective practical activity in which participants will develop training and management tools for mobility and training placement , visits , round tables, debates and meetings with local authorities and educational companies and other organizations competent in the VE . Participants will improve their professional skills specific for educational function manager , strategic and operational leadership , foresight , judgment and responsibility as well as language skills, social skills and cultural communication . Participants will have a deeper understanding of the practices , policies, and education and training systems in Europe and an increased ability to adapt to European standards and experience in the organization of transnational partnerships . The project will contribute to the international strategy of the County School Inspectorate , to increase the quality of education and training provided in Dolj county . The tools developed by each participant , along with examples of best practices on innovative strategies and methods for improving the quality of vocational training and partnerships with companies, will provide support for the development of a brochure . It will be distributed to teachers of technical and vocational education and technical schools in the county and the country, the economic partners, school inspectorates, etc. will be available on the project blog at national and international level thereby transferable best practice at European level . In this way , the project contributes to the objectives of the European strategy of training : Matching skills made in education and training to the needs of the economy , to improve the capacity of education and training providers in Dolj County to provide, anticipate and harmonize skills required and needs labor market The project will create prerequisites for vocational schools involvement in European partnerships .

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2 Partners Participants