Search for European Projects

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Leonardo da Vinci" Technical Industrial School in Parma includes different fields of study and has as cultural aims the formation of the Italian and European citizen and worker, developing an increasingly enlarged and inclusive teaching, also paying attention to scientific and technical skills. Importance is also given to a preparation aimed at university studies.The project fits into this context and aims at consolidating and expanding cultural exchanges already started with schools in other European countries and improve the use of new technologies through educational innovation. It also aims at tackling early school leaving and encouraging inclusiveness.The target group is 11, including the headmaster, teaching and non-teaching staff, and they will be selected according to the training program carried out, to the subject they are specialized in, to the command of at least one Community language as well as the diversification of subjects.Therefore the foreseen activities are: job shadowing activities in German, Spanish, Belgian and French schools with which our school has already had contacts via etwinning and specific training courses in different subjects related to well-advanced teaching strategies, linguistic-cultural training and CLIL methodology courses in the United Kingdom.The educational institution has planned all activities aimed at promoting the positive effects of their experiences. This will allow the school to renew itself in line with the new challenges of the working world increasingly open to foreign relations and in line with the objectives set by the European Development Project.The long-term benefits will fall beyond the improvement of the institute and extend to other secondary schools both in town and on a provincial level.

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