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créer des classes élémentaires européennes bilingues
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This Erasmus+ European project in linguistic training applies to the 162 students of the Elementary school of Brabois (7 classes from Nursery to Elementary) and its 8 teachers. The school has included English teaching as well as the opening to Europe in the different projects carried out for the last 4 years. Because they are convinced that the early learning of a language is necessary and with the influence of the school headmistress who is bilingual in French and Italian, the whole teaching team subscribed to a daily practice of foreign languages. Learning English has been increased this year with, at first, the objective of helping students gain more fluency, and secondly enable them to start learning a 2nd language in Junior High and a 3rd one in High school giving them all chances to communicate easily in Europe or anywhere else in the world. The results of such an increase already arose in the evaluations of the students (national basis testing). They meet more easily with the abilities requested for Level A1 of the Common European Framework of References for Languages. All the teachers have learned English at different periods of their respective scholarships. They reached levels which appear to be very different from one another. All are willing to improve their level using the language on a regular basis and with the help of new communication technologies. With this goal in mind the teachers are getting on developing the school internet site and a linguistic part has already been implemented in the senior students’ classes. The linguistic trainings abroad for the 4 first teachers will of course help tremendously reach this goal. Because the aim of this project tends to give birth to a European Bilingual Public school made of 10 classes, the use of English on a daily basis will be introduced little by little in other subjects like sport (which allows meetings between schools), music, computer training and visual arts. The school will offer a “Learning and sport” section in September 2015. The long way work already achieved shows more easiness in the registrations in 1st year in the local Junior high school (Bilingual European section). The ladder will review the relevance of this involvement during the annual statement meetings in May. This inter sections will allow the students to communicate more easily and more frequently with other European students using the digital aids of the “festive calendar” launched on the Etwinning platform. This aid makes communication real and gives more sense to learnings (for example visioconferences). In addition paper letters in English will still be exchanged for International humanitarian projects carried out in partnership with famous Grandes Ecoles. The various contacts and friendships born during the Erasmus training in different European countries will broaden the possibilities of exchanges and integration in job shadowing. The school Internet site, key aid for communication, action and evolution, intended for the parents can become a daily diary – more attractive, livened up by each one’s involvement, and the reflection of the weekly team meetings. The school’s internet management will be better developed during the TIC training period and will partly be widespread in other languages, according to the teaching community needs. The students’ families are from different European or world countries. They get involved in important events: European days in September 2015 and 2016, European breakfast planned for April 2015,Word's meals planned for the graduation party in June. A school trip in a partner country in Spring 2018 or maybe its visit in return will become the highlight of the project carried out by the senior students. So our quite bilingual students will be better prepared to European integration and migration and to its religious and cultural differences. This will enhance their future mobility in Europe.
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