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Cre@ttivamente inEuropa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project " Cre@ttivamente in Europa " was created to respond to the needs of our school to have a qualified staff who can, by improving their digital competences and foreign language skills , teach their students the XXI century skills and use the competences acquired to help the school staff in the management of European projects. We want to have teachers who: - improve their language skills in a lifelong learning perspective; - know how to better manage European projects, with more involvement and commitment; - engage their students in an active learning, thanks to the use of methodologies based on the proper use of new technologies; - ensure their students educational success in the awareness of belonging to Europe. The teachers involved in the training were chosen among teachers of primary and secondary school, together with the Headteacher, the Responsible of the secretary office (the Italian Direttore Generale dei Servizi Amministrativi) and two administrative assistants. Overall 16 mobilities, thanks to which teachers and the Headteacher’s staff have attended structured courses on foreign languages and new technologies and two job shadowings. The language courses were organized as follows: - 2 teachers of primary school, English teachers, attended a 14-days language course at the Bell school in Cambridge; - 3 teachers of primary school, English/Maths/ Italian teachers, the Headteacher, the Administrative Services Manager and an administrative assistant, attended a 5-days language course at the Bell school in London; - a teacher of the secondary school, a French teacher, attended a 12-days course at Alliance Française in Paris. The ICT in-training service was organized, as the project had planned, in 3 different activities: an ICT structured course and two job shadowings. - The ICT course was attended by 2 teachers of secondary school with a good knowledge on computing; the 7-days course was held by the Cervantes Training Institute at Alcalá de Henares, in Spain and was based on the use of some tools of web 2.0. - The job shadowing activities were carried out in Spain and in Gozo-Malta. The first job-shadowing, realized at the CEIP Argantonio school, in Castilleja de Gúzman, was closely linked to an eTwinning project started during the school year 2015-16; it allowed to continue in the host school the collaborative work, initiated via the web, using ICT. The two teachers involved in the mobility were a secondary and a primary school teachers, two English language teachers, whose classes were involved in the eTwinning project. - The second job-shadowing, realized at the Gozo College Boys' Secondary, in Gozo, involved two primary school teachers with good digital competences and good language skills, and an employee of the secretarial staff. During the week they spent at the host school, the teachers were able to observe how lessons were carried on using the IWBs and web tools constantly and to attend meetings with the ICT teachers of the Maltese school; the administrative assistant observed some activities of the school office and the headteacher's staff. All the teachers involved in the structured courses have obtained the Europass Mobility, certifying the competences acquired as a result of the activities attended. After each mobility, the teachers involved have reported within the Teachers’ Assembly. The first effect was to arise curiosity and interest on teachers of different subjects who have decided to attend, and are still attending, an English course privately, to improve their knowledge of the language or to start learning English. Moreover, they have asked to participate, in the future, to a training course within the Erasmus+ project, and asked to be involved in projects where the use of English language is required. The teachers who attended the ICT course “The Digital Classroom” have been asked to activate a mini training course (together with the digital team of our school) to explain to colleagues how to use wikis and blogs with their own classes. The course will be held at the beginning of the new school year.
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