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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

European Voluntary Service within Programme Counties. Gulbene district, Lejasciems. Duration of the Activity - 12 months, January - December, Year 2015. Brīvprātīgā iesaistījās arī neformālas vietējo iedzīvotāju grupas tūrisma nozares aktivitātēs, kopīgi meklējot tematiska piedāvājuma aizmetņus un izveidojot vietējā tūrisma objektu apkopojumu bukleta veidā. Projekta ieviešana pilnveidoja arī jauniešu centra darbinieku kompetences un spējas realizēt starptautiskus projektus. The Project was realized in order to vary daily offer to local kids and youth in host organisation as well as to support personal development of volunteer. This target group usually wants to get to know something new, that is why volunteer's activities helped to vary offer and to involve new participants. Volunteer was involved in toursim field activities organised together with local community (non-formal group of inhabitants) too. They worked out together basic idea of thematic concept and created local tourism brochure. Implementation of the project raised also youth workers' competences and ability to organize international project in the organization. The aim of the Project: by keeping in mind volunteer's interests and experience to offer useful - creative and healthy - free time activities to local children and youngsters as well as support developing of a thematic concept of Lejasciems, and in such way to promote a social participation of the youngsters and to give input in volunteer's personality development. There was 1 volunteer from Croatia involved in the Project. Activities: 1) creative and outdoor activities for children and youngsters; 2) activities connected with development of a thematic concept of Lejasciems in local society; 3) activity "A Project in the Project" - summer days for kids and youngsters; 4) Project Final event - creative evening Golden Suitcase; 5) adaptation, evaluation, publicity and dissemination and exploitation of results. There were used non-formal education methods like workshops, discussions, team building activities, outdoor activities etc. in the Project. Results: 1) articles in local mass media; 2) short videos about main Project activities; 3) Final event in Lejasciems; 4) a brochure about Lejasciems. Impact of the Project: To the volunteer - higher skills to work with children and youngsters, planning, organizing and communication skills; wider view and cross-cultural experience; development of foreign languages skills; ability to evaluate own knowledge and skills. To the youngsters and children - understanding about non-formal education and cross-cultures; better communication in English language; promoted social participation etc. To Partner Organizations - improved experience in EVS projects and made experience in implementation of "Erasmus+" Program projects; improved competences of involved work group and strengthened organization capacity to work in international level. To local society - cross-cultural experience; built positive view about volunteering.
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1 Partners Participants