European Projects
Creativity - Your door to your employment
Creativity - Your door to your employment
Start date: Apr 1, 2012,
Creativity - Door to your employment will be a youth exchange that will be implement in Ohrid,Macedonia in the period between 20/05-30/05/2012.It will gather 40 participants, young unemployed people from 8countries who are interested in development of creative skills as a door to their future employment.Macedonia,Serbia,Bosnia,Croatia,Italy, Spain,Portugal and Bulgaria will unite their creative minds and will take part in creative workshops about dancing - latino dances, art workshops, jewelry making workshops, creative writing workshops.Using non-formal methods of working,teambuilding,creative thinking,self-learning participants will work on development of their own talents and interest,learning more about how to face the world of employers.Educative workshops on topic how to create a competitive CV,write good motivation letter, experience a job interview will be implemented in the framework of this exchange.As a last result participants will practice their presentational and organizational skills and will organize event in the local community "Can I succeed - Fair of talents"where results from the creative workshops will be presented to the local community in form of art pieces created, articles wrote,hand made jewelry made and dancing performance.Local people will learn more about other countries,about how youngsters are trying to create their carriers, ways to fight unemployment.Participants will also create a booklet whose main target group will be all young unemployed people all over Europe,booklet that will help them in the process of creating competitive CV and motivation letter, how to deal with a job interview,and practical exercise and examples of how to develop a business idea from a talent you posses. Youngsters will have fun and learn at the same time,gain skills,knowledge,will learn about other cultures,learn to recognize diversity,to accept it,learn to respect each other.Filmed material from this experience will be published in a for of DVD movie.