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Creativity and Innovation in Teaching and Training
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objectives of the project: defining the most important areas at school requiring improvement (methodology, management, qualifications of teachers, organisation of the teaching process), international cooperation. The participants: 11 secondary school teachers of high qualifications, concerned about their own professional development, better school management and adjusting it to modern requirements, engaged in extra curricular activities of different sorts. Actions accomplished: 1.Introductory procedures: presentation of the course, the recruitment procedures, setting up the project team, getting in touch with the course organizer; 2. Forming the European Development Plan, defining the school needs and the objectives; 3. Applying for the Project; 4. Individual preparation of the participants: linguistic training, eTwinning courses, ICT courses; 5. The course: Assen (the Netherlands), 1-5 November 2015; 6. Certificates, individual reports, Europass Mobility; 6. Sharing the results – visual presentation at school, articles in local press and professional magazine for teachers, presentation of the results on the school website and fanpage, releasing a film about the project and its value for all the parts involved, 3 conferences for teachers from our school and others, sharing practical knowledge with the team applying for the next Erasmus+ project. The personal development of the participants and skills acquired: improvement of language skills, acquiring knowledge and practice in new methods and techniques of teaching and student-teacher relationships and approaches, practical knowledge in the area of the subjects taught, practice in personal life long education, improvement of social competences (sense of responsibility for the school welfare, cooperation abilities, sharing duties), management of the project (organizational skills, dealing with the foreign partner, planning skills; management of the finances of the project, practical abilities in arranging for the travel details and accomodation abroad), practice in ICT: personal development, ability to apply new techniques in the process of teaching and learning (Wiggio platform, photo report), intercultural knowledge (knowledge about the countries involved and their systems of education, exchange of teaching experiences and better abilities to share opinions, increase of awareness of differences and diversity as a potential source of creativity and development), better functioning on European level (fighting the inferiority complex and appreciation of our own achievements, growing sense of self-esteem, discovering our own potential and creativity), emphasis on practical application of theoretical school knowledge in the teaching process (one of the key assumptions of the course), realising personal strong and weak points, increased motivation to improve. The results and impact on the school and others: improvement of the quality of teaching, better and more effective school management, cooperative abilities (awareness of strong and weak points of the team members); raising the school attractiveness (better qualified staff, impressive knowlegde of English of a big group of teachers, European standards of teaching), improvement of the school library functioning, motivation to look for cooperation with new cultural and educational institutions, sharing the knowledge and skills acquired with other teachers, motivating others to take part in next courses. Long term advantages: practical knowledge and experience of the participants applied in the process of teaching; awareness of positives and strong aspects of the school, motivation to apply acquired knowledge, better language skills
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