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Creation of unique opportunities to renew the local associative fabric for the future Euro-Mediterranean generations (COURAGE)
Start date: Dec 23, 2013, End date: Jun 23, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project intends to support the cooperation for the strengthening of the Italo-Tunisian associative fabric through a participatory approach that aims to promote a sustainable local development in the field of social and health care, with particular attention to vulnerable groups.The project has the following specific objectives: To promote the training of qualified personnel in the field of social innovation; Improve conditions for launching innovative social enterprises; Create physical and virtual places (Workshop for replication of results and social "webinars") in which to develop new long-term associative ideas. Expected Results: The creation of a team of Italian-Tunisian specialists, "promoters" of social innovation; the preparation and cataloging of multimedia materials for the platform "E-Coaching and Tutoring Networking"; the construction of two physical and virtual incubators for developing new long-term associative ideas and to support the startup of social micro-enterprises; the creation of a permanent space for the sharing of best practices and experience between Italy and Tunisia, through the virtual platform; The development of a network of help desks for social innovation.
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  • 87.1%   339 601,90
  • 2007 - 2013 Italy - Tunisia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants