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Creation of the Ideal Model of Vocational Counselling for Children and Youth with Special Educational Needs

The aim of the partnership – through the project activities, evaluating positive experience of each institution and its country, to conceptualize essential categories that guarantee the success of vocational counselling (VC) for children and youth having special educational needs (SEN), reveal their contents, expression and create the ideal model of VC for the aforementioned group and the strategy of specialists’ qualification corresponding to the priorities of common policy of vocational training in the EU. Objectives:1. To perform special investigation on the situation of VC for pupils having SEN in each country, providing consultations for pupils and helping them to decide about their vocational career. 2. To analyze the situations of VC of each organization and their countries, to evaluate the achievements in the general context of the EU policy of VC and perform the comparative analysis of practically realized models.3. To create theoretical model of VC for the aforementioned group of persons corresponding the priorities of common EU policy of VC, prepare in-service programmes (for formal and informal development of specialists’ qualification) and recommendations for the institutions and the systems of education of their countries. 4. To perform the dissemination of project achievements in each country through the creation of active project website, publication of scientific study, creation of a film, implementation of in-service training programmes, organization of conferences.5. To prepare for further collaboration orienting towards the project of the Transfer of Innovations in future.x institutions will participate in the project on equal basis, motivated to improve the system of VC for persons having SEN. The project is based on the Bordeaux Communiqué

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6 Partners Participants