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Creating R&D Capacities and Instruments for boosting Higher Education-Economy Cooperations

"The project aims to contribute to the creation of R&D capacities and instruments in line with TEMPUS-program objectives and wide priorities for Higher Education and Society (Knowledge triangle education-research innovation; Development of partnerships with enterprises), in order to support partner countries universities in fulfilling the central role in their national innovation systems and society according to European standards Lisbon convention and Bologna Process)." The specific objectives are: "1. To support partner countries' universities (PCUs) in the modernisation and quality enhancement process of higher education by development of clear R&D strategies based on analytical assessment and benchmark analysis until 30. 6. 20092. To contribute to knowledge triangle of education, research and innovation at PCUs by establishing R&D Service Centres until 31.1.2010.3. To support PCUs to approach European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and European Research Area (ERA) by implementation of models for strenghtening international cooperation networks among partner countries higher education institutions, EU universities (EUU), industry and society until 30.11.2011 ."

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  • Education and training\External Programmes and Policies\TEMPUS\Tempus Structural Measure - Higher Education and Society
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

10 Partners Participants