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Creating municipal system for handling of waste household electronic and electrical equipment in Lviv with the experience of Lublin (IPBU.02.01.00-76-742/11)
Start date: Jan 31, 2013, End date: Jan 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Overall goal of the project is to improve the state of the environment by reducing the negative impact of the household electronic and electrical equipment waste by 50%. Absence of efficient systems of handling waste household electronic and electrical equipment in Ukraine produces an extremely serious negative impact on the environment in terms of its pollution with harmful components as well as non-use or irrational use of the components of such equipment as secondary raw materials.Activities of the project include research of the current state of handling waste electrical and electronic equipment in Lublin and Lviv, development of a comprehensive municipal program on handling waste household electrical and electronic equipment in the city of Lviv, purchase and location of specialized containers for separate collection of worked-out batteries in Lviv, designing and purchasing of equipment for selective collection of waste household electrical and electronic equipment for the city of Lublin, purchase and setting up of mobile centres for collecting waste household electrical and electronic equipment in the city of Lviv on the basis of minibuses, purchase of equipment for disposal of mercury lamps and other elements of equipment that contain mercury vapours in the city of Lviv, preparation and conducting of awareness-raising campaign on handling waste household electrical and electronic equipment in the city of Lublin, elaboration of comprehensive strategy for sustainable management of waste household electrical and electronic equipment in the city of Lublin, preparation and conducting of awareness-raising campaign on handling waste household electrical and electronic equipment in the city of Lviv and conducting of educational campaign for school children in Lviv on handling waste household electrical and electronic equipment.Construction of a high-quality system of handling waste electrical and electronic equipment in the city of Lviv as based on the experience of the city of Lublin, as well as improvement of the system of waste management in the city of Lublin within the project will lay down a good basis for sharing the experience with other cities and administrative territorial units located in the border area.

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  • 89%   1 202 194,20
  • 2007 - 2013 Poland-Belarus-Ukraine ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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2 Partners Participants