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Creating leaders for the future: no limits to enterpreneurship and disability
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is based on transnational cooperation of educational training centers, companies and non-profit organizations, as a way to support the acquisition of specific and general skills that foster entrepreneurship of a group of people that besides of problems inherent in their physical or mental condition have to face with general problems of young people in all Europe, as such as, high unemployment rates, social exclusion risk, dropout, etc. It is the collective of disabled people. The general objective is to foster the social and workplace integration of people with disabilities by means of supporting and assisting them during their entrepreneurship journey. Specifically to provide entrepreneurs with the necessary specific knowledge for a start-up or a business acceleration ; to offer support by means of mentorship with expert professionals that participate as volunteers (They are workers of large companies or multinational companies ), to boost networking opportunities among the academic field, businesses and all the entrepreneurs; to increase their employability and to help remove barriers and discrimination attitudes of the society with this collective in terms of opportunities of employment. All the objectives of the project are related with the targets of Erasmus + Program, with ET 2020 The data show that an alarming % of the total population in Europe is in risk of exclusion. In 2011, about 31 % of the population aged 16 or more in the EU-28 and having an activity limitation was at risk of poverty or social exclusion, compared with 21 % of those with no limitation With regard to people with disabilities, their employment rates are clearly below the average due to many different obstacles. There is a general perception that they will be less efficient, less productive and, in general, less “able” to perform if compared to the general population. However, an outstanding quantity of disabled people has proven to possess a huge source of talent, as well as high commitment, bravery, empathy and ambition, all of them absolutely necessary to start successful and sustainable businesses. The transnational dimension is required because the knowledge of diverse policies, actions or activities will enrich the project and will allow designing the best tools to this collective. The situation is diverse around Europe, there are countries with a good development of policies to facilitate the employment as entrepreneurs in disable people and others countries (as some partners of this project) with a low development of them. So the transnationality and transference of knowledges will be essential to reach the objectives of the project. The expected results of the project are to contribute to the awareness of success experiences in supporting disabled entrepreneurs,to promote transnational cooperation between different sectors, organisations of the educational and business world (tutors) in an area of particular sensitivity,to help in the profession improvement of the beneficiaries and to contribute to increasing the motivation and autonomy of the entrepreneurs by overcoming the barriers on access to the jobs market In the long term the potential impact expected is to contribute to the elimination of the barriers on access to the jobs market , to promote and support entrepreneurship among this group of the population, to raise awareness of its capacities and to increase its rates of employment It is foreseen aprox. 3.000 participants direct and indirect in the project : 48 entrepreneur/students (disabled) 16 tutors will participate in the activities of the project 192 people .Families of each entrepreneur. 30Entities aimed at employing the disabled 20Large national and multinational companies 30 volunteers (awareness raising and information/training on the disabled): 20 Public and private universities 1500 Recipients of iformation, visitors website The partners are PREVENT Foundation. Spain LIBER.. Spain CONSORZIO IES. Italy Foundation Aktywizacja".Poland MINA DE TALENT. France A participative methodology will be used to perform the project. All partners will participate in the whole project, but every WP will have an entity that will be responsible for defining a common working methodology for all partners and the technical coordination of this WP. The work programme will be formed by the following activities: WP1. Coordination and management WP 2. Identification of Good practices WP 3. Development of methodologies and training material WP 4. Pilot project: WP.5. Apprentice Validation Europass As result of the projects will be elaborated the following intelectual outputs  Analysis of European Good Practices in entrepreneurship for people with disabilities  Training methodology and materials for entrepreneurship  Transversal training methodology and materials  Guide to work systems and accompaniment activities  Process for validating the training for disabled entr DURATION. 24 months

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