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Creating a Culture of Change, Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Creating a Culture of Change, Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning", as part of Erasmus+ KA1 finished. The 3 teachers from our school who had the opportunity to participate in this project, they observed lessons, the changed ideas and experience with other teachers from abroad and generally they had the opportunity to discuss educational topics with teachers from European Union. The first teacher from our school is a kindergarden teacher and participated in a conference in Latvia with the topic "Music and Drama in Early Years". In this conference she learned how she can teach any topic to her students via drama and music. The secind teachers, a physical education teacher, visited a school in Slovenia and had the opportunity to observe how to organise a two days trip to the mountain and he participated in this trip. There he saw many different nice activitied for students that he can use them during PE lesson. Finally, the third teacher visited a school in Spain which promote a lot the English language and the Special Education. Their philosophy about Special Education is to allow the students with special needs to follow normal lessons with their classmates and only in some lessons they moved to the special classroom. We have the same philosophy, so she had the opportunity to discuss with them the advantages and disadvantages of this method and to observe how the class teachers communicate and teach these students. After their visits they shared all these experiences and knowledge with the management of the school and the rest of the teachers, so as a school, we can say that we improved a lot after this project.
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