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Creare Nel Disagio - Trasferimento di un modello di inclusione socio-lavorativo

The present project has planned the transfer of an innovative model of social inclusion to a European level, tested by Isfor Api as a leader in the field of the Equal PRO.R.E.S.initiative, approved and inserted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security inside thenational catalogue of Italian ESF Best Practices. The model which was addressed todisadvantaged people who are, due to different reasons, on the fringes of the socio-labourworld, wanted to represent a significant, tangible and efficient answer aimed to curb theprocesses of social drift. The model enhanced the centrality of the person as an activeactor in the development and in social life, from whom depends the effective capacity of an area increating opportunities and welfare. The general target of the project was to inducesocial policies, which basically contain the phenomenon of social distress with meredependency culture (payment of contributions, income support etc.), to assume a newprospective to restore people dignity in socio-labour marginalisation. Theproject intended to transfer an approach essentially based on empowerment and on thecreation of profit and non-profit enterprises as an instrument of social inclusion. Thestrength of the partnership was guaranteed by the existent and consolidatedsynergies, by the certified and significant experience in the field of training, socio-labourinclusion, orientation and consultancy for the enterprises (Isfor Api, API Sarda, Cespim,Agency for Employment and Training) and of the involvement of an institutional body (Municipality of Nuoro) Among the expected results: the systemisation of the working model and of intervention in the phenomenon of the social exclusion in various regional realities involved and of the real opportunities of socio-labour integration and of social emancipation.
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6 Partners Participants