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Craigour Park Staff Language Development
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aims of the Scottish Government’s 1+2 language policy is to ensure all pupils in Scotland receive a quality language learning experience throughout their education. Our project aims • to improve methodological expertise in the teaching of Spanish to young learners • To provide participants with materials and ideas suitable for the teaching of Spanish at primary level • To develop cultural awareness and understanding of contemporary Spain • To improve participants’ competence and performance in Spanish • To use Internet and other ICT resources in your class We have 5 staff in total applying for the project – teachers from Early, First and Second Curriculum for Excellence levels as well as an Additional Support for Learning teacher and a Pupil Support Assistant– with varying language abilities ranging from novice to MLPS trained (Modern Language in the Primary School) who want to build and further develop their confidence and competence in language teaching. The 5 members will all participate in an immersion course in Spain to allow them further develop their language competency in all aspects of language learning and teaching (speaking, listening, reading, writing and the country’s culture – expressive arts, global citizenship and enterprise). The long term benefits of this course are for all current and future staff in the school to feel supported in teaching the Spanish Culture and Language to pupils with the eventual aim of sharing and embedding a wider understanding of the European Community in our own local community.
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