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Counselling Immigrants in Vocational Education and Training (CIVET)

As the population ages over the upcoming years, the supply of labour will decrease. The needof qualified work power is anticipated. Meanwhile, the number of migrants in Europeancountries is increasing. Migrants with a vocational qualification and adequate language skillsare needed in the labour market. The key idea of this Leonardo da Vinci Transfer ofInnovation project CIVET - Counselling Immigrants in Vocational Education and Training is tomake the immigrant learners' path to working life smoother and shorter.CIVET aimed to affect work-based learning and improve vocational teachers' / trainers' andworkplace instructors' knowhow concerning interaction with immigrants. They learned aboutdifferent cultures, intercultural interaction and simplified language in workshops. According tothe feedback they have now more courage and less prejudice in counselling situations andare able to pay attention to challenges caused by cultural diversity. They know how to usesimplified language which facilitated communication with migrant lerners.In the long run, thesuspension of studies in vocational education due to language difficulties will decrease andthe time used for completing a vocational qualification will shorten.The consortium of CIVET consisted of education providers with a wide experience ofeducating immigrants. The partner organizations were from Finland, France, Germany,Greece, Sweden and the United Kingdom.The main result of CIVET is an intercultural training model for vocational teachers / trainersand workplace instructors. A tangible outcome of the project is a guidebook for interculturalcounselling and support which includes four parts: Introduction, Intercultural Competence,Simplified Language and Intercultural Counselling . The guidebook is available at in English, German, French, Greek, Swedish and Finnish.The main impact of the project is that the vocational teachers / trainers and workplaceinstructors have more competence in counselling migrants in work-based learning situations.The impact on end-users, i. e. migrant learners, is that their motivation for vocational studiesand learning the second language will increase.

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