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Coordinating the Antenna Research in Europe (CARE)
Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The European antenna research received great benefits from the structuring efforts provided by the Network of Excellence ACE (2004-2007). The ACE NoE produced a long list of outstanding results, such as the Antenna Expert Groups (AEG), the European School of Antennas (ESoA), the European Conferences on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), the Antenna Virtual Centre of Excellence (VCE) and the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP) joined by over 300 European institutions and 1700 researchers etc. (see this frame, the CARE Coordination Action is aimed at reinforcing the existing cooperation among the antenna research teams across Europe and provides the framework for a better collaboration among the research projects dealing with antennas and wireless technologies in Health, Transport, Security and Space applications.In particular the CARE objectives are:•\tto improve the knowledge exchange, by secondments among the AEG and in the ESoA•\tto promote good practices in antenna software and measurements standardisation•\tto support the dissemination, by sessions convened by the AEG in the EuCAP Conference•\tto keep alive the Antennas Virtual Centre of Excellence for information spreading.Moreover, CARE will continue the existing coordination, started during ACE, with the National Societies in antenna research (CIRMA, IET, ITG, REsA, SEE, SIEm, SITEL etc.) in order to create synergies with the national research projects and to improve the European excellence in antenna research.The Consortium is composed by top level institutions of the European antenna research area. Each CARE Participant will also act as the national or regional hub for the distribution of the CARE results.

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