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Coopérer pour échanger et voyager en Grande Bretagne
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We have noticed that our pupils are not self confident when they speak English.. We think it´s linked to our own difficulties to organise activities in that language.That´s why we have decided to improve our language abilities in order to help our pupils improving , offering them motivaitng projects: Organisation of an English knowledge market including the parents, one or two days all in english, theatre show, songs, rôle playing in English and in the future, organise a several days trip to discover Great Britain. We are two teachers willing to go. We agree upon the fact that integrating parents to this project is a guarantee of dynamism about languages and is a good way to develop a confident atmosphere when time will be to send the children abroad. This project should improve our pupils abilities in speaking English, opening their minds to Europe and getting them ready to participate to the different secondary schools language trips.
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