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Cooperative Discovery of Technology Education Sports
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The “Cooperative Discovery Technology Education Sports” EVS project is focused on helping the young people to work with New Technologies and learn about many subjects, like Education, Culture, Sports etc.. When we talk about Chios Island we talk also about the small villages of the Island with small population and a traditional way of life. The project cultivates and advances New Technologies and their joining with the Education, Culture and Sports. It also helps young people with fewer opportunities, to understand Internet’s capabilities on educational, cultural, sport and youth issues. The volunteer helps, on a non-profit basis, to learn how to use computers, how to realize Educational, Youth, Sport and Touristic programs effectively and in a positive way. The EVS volunteer deals with the development of projects in educational, youth and sport organizations. [ (project activities description) (EVS Radio Station)] The European volunteer, under the guidance and help of TES’s people, will work together with local youngsters and help them to learn, to create, to get in touch with the European Dimension & New Technologies. The Young Voluntary workers undertake to participate voluntarily in an active citizen and informative experience with the aim of acquiring social, intercultural and personal skills and contribute to the wellbeing of the community. They will also take active part in the creation and presentation of all kind of broadcastings in our EVS Internet Radio Station ( presenting also the “Erasmus +” and “E-twinning” Program. The volunteer who participates in this project is asked to be interested in new technologies activities (as web pages management and updating, teaching IT, using them for the improvement of educational projects and learning them for running the platforms of the association); the participant should be also interested in living in a multicultural environment, respecting the other participants and the local community. To be flexible, capable to adapt to different situations and dealing with unexpected changes are also useful qualities for this project. The cooperation between the association and the participants is constant and through a cooperative and collaborative way of learning the participants will help each other in achieving the objectives. No experience is needed but a big motivation and disposition for learning in a positive attitude is essential, also for sharing the knowledge the participant already has about any topic interesting for the project. The results and impact is to help the participants in their future after their EVS and to achieve a wide learning experience on computer programs, new technologies, languages, cultures, dealing with different personalities and have a positive and useful experience for life. Knowledge in new technologies is always useful and we expect that the content the participant learns here will increase the job opportunities and help realising any kind of future projects.

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