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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It was a global project for a period of 7 months where have cooperated a girl from Sardegna, Elisabetta since June 2015 to January 2016 and a other one from Denmark, Mai since July 2015 to January 2016. Is called “COOPERATION INTERGENARATIONAL IN THE RURAL AREA" because it encompasses many aspects that affect daily life in a village with different kind of people: children, youth, adults old people and pilgrims. The Town Hall wants that all residents from Frómista and district has services and quality of life, for this reason it will carried out training programs, cultural, leisure, sports, etc. to throughout the year. The presence of European volunteers working in the City is a very important point. On the one hand, Elisabetta has collaborated in the Old people's home every days. On the other hand, Mai has cooperated in the Culture House which is a Library and Cyberspace. Although both exchanged these activities so that they get more experience. They also have done other group of activities together in the the Tourism Office, Youth House, interculrural activities, sports, etc. Besides, when we knew their skills and abilities, they made a personal program based on bringing their culture, cuisine and language to all inhabitants. Including the promotion and dissemination of their experience and the Erasmus +, it through social networks: facebook, twitter and blog of volunteerism, radio and video.
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