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Cooperation between the aquaculture and agriculture sectors with the intent to use animal manure and fish faeces for sustainable production and utilization of renewable energy and recovered nutrients (BIFFIO)
Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The BiFFiO project addresses the challenge which both the aquaculture and agriculture industries faces in respects to regulatory requirements and societal requirements for the waste produced, an issue which is in need of sustainable solutions. The concept of the BiFFiO project is to mix the waste readily available from fish farms and manure waste from the agriculture industry in a reactor for production of biogas, which in turn can be used to fill the need for renewable energy in the aquaculture industry and supply fertilizer products to the agriculture industry. The BiFFiO project partners see great opportunities for business development in production of renewable energy from mixed agriculture and aquaculture waste. The main BiFFiO project objectives are 1) Development of a new best practice and novel technology for handling mixed waste from aquaculture and agriculture for production of energy, and further use of the digested waste, 2) Development from current large scale state-of-the art technologies for treating animal waste, to an economical, efficient and scalable three-stage system of pre-treatment, biogas reactor and fertilizer recuperation, which can be located at or in the vicinity of most near shore and on-shore fish farm operations, 3) Application of new technology in the agriculture industry alone or together with fish farming industry, on both remote and central locations to save costs for waste transport and deposition, 4) Impact on socio-economic conditions through the benefits of improved hygienic and environmental standards of closed fish farming and by reduced greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution burdens from the agriculture sector. Five SME AGs and seven Other SME and end user partners from the agriculture, aquaculture and bio-energy sector will take part in the project together with three RTD partners, Teknologisk Institutt (NO), University of Liverpool (UK) and aqua consult Ingenieur (DE), who will be performing the BiFFiO RTD work.
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12 Partners Participants