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Universities are playing a key role in generating the knowledge, innovation and human capital required to increase European international competitiveness in a knowledge-based economy. In order to tackle the involved challenges, universities require modern approaches towards research, innovation and knowledge transfer. One of the core strategies to increase their performance is university-enterprise partnerships (UEPs). The variety of UEPs is wide and comprises different types of enterprises, university entities involved and structures and functioning of the partnerships. Due to their complex and mixed structure, which involves different interests and stakeholders, and due to their potential strong impact, UEPs’ governance is critical to their success. The aim of this project is to support European universities in the development of effective and efficient UEP governance structures and practices aligned with their particular strategic plans and responsive to knowledge-based economy requirements. Specifically, the project will: (i) Map different types of UEPs currently developed in European universities; (ii) Develop national reports regarding national policies, funding and general structures, if any, of UEPs in each of the participant countries in the project; (iii) Create a set of indicators to assess and benchmark UEP activities with the objective of offering a managerial tool applicable beyond the scope of this project; (iv) Create an analytical framework for analysing UEP governance; (v) Analyse governance structures and practices in selected cases; (vi) Identify good practices in UEP governance; (vii) Present policy recommendations for European universities, enterprises and other higher education policy makers involved in UEPs. The project’s outputs are designed to achieve two aims: serve in the identification of good practices in UEP governance and serve as policy making and management tools which will be applicable in countries and universities beyond those analysed in the project. The analytical framework set of indicators and identification of good practices on UEP governance, complemented with the dissemination strategy, which includes an international conference, will impact the design, governance and relevance of UEP in European universities by offering useful information and instruments to key actors from universities, enterprises and governments.

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