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Contribution To A Governance Network Of Regions In Central Europe (Go_Net_Regions)
Start date: Apr 30, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Go_Net_Regions project aims at initiating and/or contributing to a cooperation and communication process between local stakeholders (including those which are not covered by the core-sphere of the corridor) and to make communication within networks consistent.Firstly it is about evaluating the current strategic developments on an EU-level, keeping in sight the specific regional conditions. A second approach of Go_Net_Regions is to act on and communicate recommendations and demands on topics and fields of work of new funding programmes (INTERREG V). Thirdly, the project is aiming for a common action plan or informal agreement, which defines the most important future areas of cooperation, providing the basis for a stakeholder network. Economic cooperation will be at the core of these actions. Achievements: A review of the latest Governance-Processes and activities within a corridor region was established, including the mapping of all involved stakeholders and the extent of their involvement.( in preparation is a series of stakeholder dialogues. As a result meetings have been prepared with partners from the Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg, the Chamber of Commerce region Veneto, representatives from the Region of Lower Silesia and possibly the Czech Republic. These will be carried out in small groups to allow extensive dialogue and in-depth discussions. In addition to these already scheduled meetings, one or two more are planned in the near future. The German Association as sole implementing institution leads and prepares contributions to these processes.
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