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Content Marketing Expert

Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience - with the objective of driving profitable customer action.[1] Its advantage is that it can be effective even for small businesses that do not have large budgets. However, the effort needed to reach good results often appears to be too high compared to the potential benefits. Content marketing is inseparably connected with the Internet and new media requires a detailed knowledge of the rules for its use. Spread of good practices on the field of content marketing which have proven their value in other countries helps SME employees gain new skills that they can effectively use in their work. Moreover: The combination of knowledge and advertising significantly affects B2C relations, especially for SMEs, where direct contact with stakeholders, business image and relationships are more important than high volume advertising. As a result, development of these marketing skills means upgrading competences for more than 90% of companies in Europe and millions of their employees.The aim of the project was to provide practical knowledge of modern marketing through the implementation and testing of innovative methodology of Content Marketing in Poland, Italy, Austria and Malta. These activities increased the competitiveness of employees of SMEs and marketing specialist by introducing modern marketing tools in practice. Workers with these skills - tested in practice - significantly increased their chances of employment in marketing.The products of the project were ans still are widely available to people directly involved in this field (marketing employees in SMEs wanting to improve their professional skills). They are also available to SMEs which, thanks to the new expertise of their employees, are able to compete in the field of marketing with major companies. The products were designed in a modern and accessible way to expand their reach, even after end of the project. In addition, we organized a number of practical activities (workshops, conferences), so the practical results were and still are visible on the market. Outcomes of the project include: an innovative CMH transfer, pilot phase in partners countries and training materials. The main project results was the Content Marketing Handbook (CMH).[1]: According to Content Marketing Institute.

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