Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There are six countries involved in this project: Norway, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Spain; with the latter as coordinator. The language of work will be Spanish. The general context of the six schools is characterised by curricula which do not make use of ICT or of any other innovative pedagogical strategies, and by students exhibiting low motivation, low sensitivity and social compromise, and a noticeable lack of awareness of other European cultures, and when being aware of them assumptions are based on stereotypes. 4 out of the six schools are bilingual schools where some 500 students learn Spanish as the first foreign language. Rooted in the objectives of the European Strategy 2020, the motivation of this project is to provide these students with key competences necessary to graduate. In order to achieve this objective, the project will structure the work according to three dimensions that, in our view, are essential to face the challenges of modern European schools: digital literacy, education for democracy and language learning. There are 180 persons directly implied in the project (90 students ranging from 14 to 17 years old, and 90 teachers), who will be the participants in the transnational meetings along the development of the project, and who will elaborate the short films that will be produce in the different meetings. Students will make short films with their opinions, and through which they will know the opinions of other Europeans, with respect to topics of their interest. This way, students will be able to construct and consolidate the adequate knowledge that may enable them to intervene in society in a democratic way. The dissemination of the short films produced will allow them to get to know other perspectives and other problematic areas in different personal, professional, cultural and educational situations; which, at the same time, will help them develop attitudes of respect and will help them get over prejudices concerning other people and cultures, in a process that will undoubtedly strengthen their own culture under the perspective of new ones. Students will make videos in each of the partner countries, and students participating in the international meetings will also make videos of an international nature. In order to fit the requirements of collaborative work, the eTwinning platform and the workspace twinSpace will be used. Methodology will be innovative because the focus will be to provide a different educational model in which rote learning will not be favoured, but to use the video as a tool for leaning, to integrate mass media in the curriculum, to foster the students’ own points of view, to engage them in active search for relevant information, and to use a methodology based in project work and in collaborative work. Expected outcomes Students: improvement of interpersonal and civic competences as the project is intended to foment European interculturality and identity; and also amelioration of digital competence and communication in other European languages. Teachers: Integration of ICT and collaborative learning in their teaching practice, meeting diverse educational systems and teaching practices, and the application of innovative pedagogy. Families: shared learning with sons and daughters, and widening of horizons through contact with other countries, cultures and ways of life. Local community: awareness of other models for social and economic development, and the possibility to export and spread their identity and culture. University: The teachers and students involved in the training of future teachers will acquire knowledge of innovative experiences. The project aims at raising the employability and international mobility of the students participating. Additionally providing them with crucial personal and professional resources such as languages and technologies. By doing this, we will enable them to take future initiatives, which at the same time, will foster entrepreneurship and the opening of new paths and projects with an international dimension, which in our opinion turn out to be essential to model a professional career within an European context in constant change.
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5 Partners Participants