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Construction et développement d'une section européenne Anglais
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

n September 2013 , we put in place an english european section in our school. The needs are: To make people aware of our european section To Develop management skills of the teachers involved in our european section To provide our school with a european dimension , setting up european projects To be aware of methods to organise a school trip to England or the USA To get a training for the teacher of mathematics who will be responsible for the DNL ( =CLIL teaching) New methods and tools specific to the CLIL teaching To make possible the mobility of students who would like to continue their studies in a european country. All those actions ,that we will be working on little by little , will help us to propose to the pupils a european section with skilled teachers, a quality teaching, mobility possibilities, connections with English-speaking schools and the opportunity to open up internationally. As our section has just been created and the Erasmus+ program which deadline for applying for a grant has been fixed on March, we decided to focus on the project below: To get a specific training for the teacher of mathematics who will be responsible for the DNL ( =CLIL teaching) in our highschool That teacher has already been trained (in England and in France) on european sections but he needs now a specific training on the subject he teaches for high school. The name of the training is " Content Language and Integrated Learning for teachers of maths", the topics which will be studied are: Oral communication in the classroom Comparison of the French educational system with the English educational system Comparison of a classic mathematics lesson with a CLIL mathematics lesson Vocabulary in mathematics Original ideas and activities Students skills: speaking, reading, listening,writing, interaction Assessment in european sections The impacts of the participation in the CLIL training: Enhancement of the school european dimension Provision of a value-creation to our school and development of the attractiveness Use of modern tools and methods which have been successful in the CLIL teaching Proposition of a less theoretical teaching, based on authentic documents , internet resources and oral interaction Students investment in transversal activities ( maths in english, interdisciplinary project, project with foreign pupils ,..........) Contacts with foreign teachers and schools which make possible the creation of a european bilateral or multilateral partnership
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