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Construção de uma identidade de escola no contexto europeu através de percursos de formação
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

he project arose from the need to involve our group of schools in a policy of Europeanisation that we feel is increasingly important these days. It was also because we believe that our great project to promote European awareness had the following objectives in the moment of the application: > Supporting the school management to identify aspects in the curriculum aspects in which there are issues related to the European context; > Develop new international projects and outline the project activities > Manage the international activities (budgets, reporting, monitoring, networking) > Bring together information on funding, programmes and quality assessment criteria (national and European) > Devise challenging, innovative and creative activities for students in learning projects with partner schools > Using methods and appropriate tools for project evaluation. In this project there were 14 mobilities. However 16 mobilities were carried out as a result of project team management who managed all organizational activities of the project and respective mobilities and, therefore, was able to overcome the fulfilment of the project - more than 100%. The sixteen mobilities were all within the scope of the three areas that supported the project. The school made the project known to the whole school community in the reunions of the people responsible for pedagogics and in a meeting where all teachers were present. The same was immediately embraced by the teachers of our set of schools. There were three phases of application to the project, the criteria set out in the application were strictly applied, in a transparent manner. Before the mobilities, colleagues were supported by the Erasmus team and by the school in order to find the training that would meet the needs of the school and the projects’ areas. Teachers were also supported in the practical aspects of the mobility such as travel, accommodation, registration training, completing the Europass, checking of the documents needed such as the Learning and Quality agreement and signed the Grant Agreement. The results were significantly positive. No other project had recently moved the group the same way. Colleagues returned satisfied from the mobility feeling fulfilled. They considered that the mobility had changed their satisfaction with their work both individually and with students. Regarding the impact, we can only assess the project as Excellent. Most training courses were disseminated through the other colleagues since there was direct involvement of colleagues from various departments of the school a total of 77 teachers so far. This number will increase once there are still three dissemination training activities training missing. All colleagues consider that the mobility has had a direct impact on their practices. In general terms we can point out some objective indicators which indicate the results of the project: 16 mobilities made; 410 hours of training outside the country in 5 different countries 6 training sessions credited by the Scientific Council of Long-life training of Teacher 80% of the teachers of the school attended replication actions 150 presences in a dissemination activity that involved students, parents and guardians, businessmen, the local authority elements, among others 10 sessions for sharing experiences in departments 100% of teachers who participated in the mobilities want to participate again 16 issued Europasses 4 Erasmus + Projects approved (after completion of this project)
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