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Consortium EFP CFA régional agricole
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CFA Regional Agricultural Rhône-Alpes carries the mobility project for apprentices of levels V and IV of the UFA of La Motte Servolex, Cibeins, Montravel, Belleville, Ecully and Montelimar. 3 UFA organize mobility since 2011 for their classes and staffs (trainers and masters of apprenticeship) and wish to strengthen the partnerships initiated in the previous two projects; 3 new UFA came into the project involving new partners (Romania, Austria). So these are 6 UFA participating in the Consortium EFP. These 6 UFA decided to come together to mutualize their initiatives, coordinate actions, to unite the human and technical resources and have a shared financial management. Mobility referents (a pedagogical-administrative tandem per UFA) are associated to the project's genesis to determine the direction, objectives and targets. They are the link between the CFA Regional and UFA. The objective from now on is to develop and consolidate individual mobility in these UFA, mobility increasingly sought by apprentices, families and agricultural professional partners. Indeed, the discovery of new techniques, the improvment of the language skills level, the opening to European citizenship, the gain in autonomy at work and in everyday life are so many recognized assets and acclaimed by all the mobility actors. The Consortium EFP project will run over two years (2015-2017) to facilitate the pedagogy of alternation; thus depending on the seasonality of sectors and UFA alternating rhythms, each of them with the collaboration of the French employers can schedule the departures of his apprentices, his teachers, members of management teams and associated professionals. For learners, UFA offer two-weeks-mobilities in firms in accordance with the French employers. This two-week period allows time for the learner to integrate into the host company and discover new techniques and does not penalize the French employer in his professional activity. Teams and professionals, meanwhile, will leave from 2 to 7 days in mobilities in training centers and partner companies. They are 15. 77 apprentices and 11 coaches will go on mobility in Italy, Germany, Romania and Austria. On their return from the observations made in the partner country, they will restore their business life but also their everyday life. On the scale of UFA, the gains acquired during mobility will be adapted to teaching practices. Reports illustrated with slide shows or videos will be made upon each mobility return and will be presented to all project partners: apprentices, families, employers, UFA teams, regional CFA, the Regional Council, local press, professional organisations. The project will be subject to final evaluation by the EduCoop network, with the goal of continuous improvement and capitalization of good practices. In the long term, the benefits are many: the enrichment of the professional practices of apprentices and staff, the momentum within teams and learners around international exchanges, intercultural exchanges, the valuation of the different actors involved in the project which are already impacting participating UFA. The European mobility option is a selection criterion for future learners.

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