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Consolidation of the nature protected areas' network for biodiversity protection and sustainable development in the Danube Delta and Lower Prut river region- PAN Nature
Start date: Dec 30, 2013, End date: Oct 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

To reduce the loss of biodiversity and to improve the local people´s livelihoods through introducing an integrated approach to the management of natural resources in the transboundary Danube Delta and Lower Prut river region, and strengthening community involvement in the sustainable development of the region. Expected Results: Reduced loss of biodiversity; Prepared documents for “biosphere reserve” status of the protected natural area selected by the Moldovan party in the Lower Prut area; The Reserve head office modernized/refurbished/extended and equipped on the Moldovan side as well as equipment for the other 2 reserves; Updated Management Objectives for Biodiversity Conservation and sustainable development in Nature Protected Areas of the Danube Delta and Lower Prut Area; Management plan for the regional landscape park “The Izmail Islands”. Inventory of valuable areas for further extension of protected areas in Ukraine; Publications for the general public and website.

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  • 89.4%   2 020 033,43
  • 2007 - 2013 Romania-Ukraine-Moldova ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants