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Consolidar Competências - II
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In a context where lifelong learning is of great importance on the international agenda, participation in these projects contributes to the achievement of this guidance.In this sense, the promotion of active citizenship and employability are goals of lifelong learning equally important and interralated and the participation in this project aims to contribute to achieve those goals.This project will also allow for updating skills and professional knomledge as well as for improving the ability to adapt to new working methods in an international context.The group will consist of 20 young people, between 15 and 24 years old, who attend the courses of "Apprenticeship system" (Technician of Electrical Installations, Technician of Reception and Budge of car repair-shop, and Technician of auto mechatronics) and the courses of education and training of young people, type 4 (Haidresser). For trainees of Technician of Electrical Intallations course, two training weeks will be held in a training context (Vocational Training Centre - BTP CFA-Vendée). For the trainees a training week also will be held in a training context (Vocational Training Centre - CMA-Vendée) and another week in a real work environment. It is intended that this projeto will have an impact not only on the participants directly involved in terms of improving their employability and career prospects, but also ina an institutional level, contributing to emerge and consolidate new partenerships and enhance uptake of new trainees.More, as part of an European program, such as the ERASMUS+ program, we consider that mobility has a "quality guarantee seal". It is our responsibility use this "quality guarantee seal " to improve the image of vocational training system, in general, and the image of DRQP and Vocational Training Centre o Madeira in particular.

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