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Conservation of ecosystems in northern Tuscany (DUNETOSCA)
Start date: Sep 30, 2005, End date: Sep 30, 2009 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background One proposed Site of Community Interest (pSCI) and one Special Protection Area (SPA) are located in the coastal habitat of the Regional Park of Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli in Tuscany : Dune litoranee di Torre del Lago and Selva Pisana. However, these two habitats of sand dunes and wetlands are threatened by invasive exotic plants and by erosion caused by visitors. This situation is particularly serious for bats (Chiroptera) whose reproductive and hibernating sites are under threat. Two previous LIFE projects were conducted in the Regional Park, to conserve the coastal habitat of San Rossore and to reclaim the Massaciuccoli Lake as a carrying site for the bittern. Objectives The aim of the project was to secure and enhance the dune habitats and the wetlands of the back-dune habitats in the Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli Regional Park. The project intended to set up a plan to monitor plants, breeding birds and small fauna in wetland habitats. Specific measures were to be taken to maintain a reproductive colony of bats, a species of Community interest, and to stop the spread of exotic plant species. The project planned to introduce dedicated trails for visitors to reduce the impact of tourism. Results The DUNETOSCA LIFE project achieved an overall improvement of about 80 ha of coastal ecosystems in northern Tuscany. Despite many challenges, particularly around the removal of the invasive Yucca gloriosa, this was a larger restored area than initially foreseen. The beneficiary eliminated exotic plants (Amorpha fruticosa) to restore about 6 ha of back-dune wetlands with good results. An unexpected outcome of this action was the discovery of two new habitats included in Annex II of the Habitat Directive) in the "Dune litoranee di Torre del Lago" SCI: "Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation of Chara spp." ; and "Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnapotamion or Hydrocharition - type vegetation". The project enlarged and improved the priority habitat calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae through the restoration of about 7 ha of wetland habitats in the "Selva pisana" SCI. The project worked to remove another exotic plant (Yucca gloriosa) from the priority habitat “Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp". However, many new Yucca gloriosa plants sprouted again during the last year of the project. To protect coastal dunes from human interference and access by motor vehicles, the project closed around 100 unauthorized paths - 80% of the total - and installed 19 wooden platforms and green fences in the park over around 4ha. Awareness raising actions around the protection of coastal dune environments included the publication of brochures on bats and coastal habitats, information panels and a project website. The dunes were also enhanced by the planting of autochthonous species grown in nurseries. The project targeted bat species in particular. It restored two buildings to host the main reproductive and hibernating colonies in Tuscany of the bat Rhinolophuis ferrumequinum as well as a colony of the bat Myotis emarginatus. It installed monitoring equipment to track the bats, which despite the challenge of the high humidity, helped increase knowledge of these species. The bats used the restored buildings successfully. Furthermore, monitoring of the bats in caves identified three new species of isopods. Project monitoring actions showed successful recolonisation of the dunes and wetlands by plants and birds typical of these habitats. To ensure ongoing protection of the dunes and future work, for example, to remove Yucca gloriosa, the Park produced and approved five-year dune and wetland action plans. Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report and After-LIFE Conservation Plan (see "Read more" section).

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