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Conservation - Crossing boundaries
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Throughout our work we focus a lot on raising awareness of general public on issues of nature and environment protection but also on importance of civil organizations. Our aim is to develop volunteering opportunities in our organisation but also to encourage civil organisation in the region to connect and enable interested volunteers from their countries to travel and share their experience. On this project we had one volunteer from Bosnia and Hercegovina with fewer opportunities who has a great passion towards nature protection but also towards civil organisation work. Objectives of this project have been met throughout the activities which have been done: Improvement and promotion of non-formal learning and cooperation with other civil organisations We connected with civil organisations from Croatia together developing non-formal learning and volunteer actions in general. To reach this objective, we added one more activity in the project, our volunteer participated in a programme "Projektarnica", workshop for writing Erasmus+ projects. Here our volunteer had opportunity to meet people from different civil organisations from Croatia and to learn how to write, apply and conduct Erasmus+ projects. He wrote a Youth exchange project together with organisation Ekodrom from Bukovica Utinjska, which they applied for a deadline 26th of April 2016. This was a great opportunity for capacity building for Bosnian organisation, who usually doesn`t have such possibilities. Objective: Increasing capacities in the field of nature conservation of Bosnian civil organisation During this project our volunteer improved participant`s knowledge in the field of nature protection and biology in general. He increased his knowledge of Croatian flora and fauna but also he had opportunity to see what projects our organisation conducts concerning these topics, which inspired him to propose project ideas to other civil organisations in Bosnia doing the same work. This was reached through Activity 1. (Organisation and participation in Rovozna ornithological camp) and Activity 5. (Participation in daily activities of NGO). Objective: Improving the level key competences and skills of the volunteer During this project our volunteer improved his skills in the field of nature protection, organisation, coordination other volunteers, communication with different stakeholders but also skills of living in abroad. This was his first time living abroad for such long period of time and, even though Zagreb is not very far from his town near Banja Luka, he was surprised of the culture shock he experienced while living in a big town. He became more aware of his stronger sides but also of his weaker sides. This objective was reached through all the activities of the project, where he developed his communication, organisation skills to teamwork and people management skills. Objective: Contribution to development of non-profit projects and active participation of young people in volunteering activities and connecting with other individuals in the local community Except for participation in the project writing workshop which will have a result of applying youth exchange project proposal, our volunteer led a volunteer project within Activity 5. Participation in daily activities of our organisation. This action consisted out of coordinating, communicating and managing local volunteers involved in bird feeding action. Aim of this action was not only to help birds survival during winter but also to engage citizens of Zagreb to become more active in the field of nature protection and to raise their awareness about birds in the city parks. This action engaged 7 volunteers from Zagreb who became members of our organisation and all of them showed an interest to continue with this action next year as well and to join our other volunteer activities. One of the long-term benefits of this project is certainly capacity building of Bosnian organisation via our volunteer who learnt how to write and apply Erasmus+ project. If his project gets approved, this will have benefit not only for him and for the organisation that is applying for the grant but also for all the participants who will be a part of this project. Our organisation got valuable experience in leading a long-term EVS project that we didn`t have before and that enabled us to write and now conduct another one, using experienced gained in this Conservation - Crossing Boundaries project.

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