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Conservation and restoration of Tilio-Acerion forests in the north of the Valencian Region (LIFE Renaix el Bosc)
Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Tilio-Acerion forests are mixed forests of secondary species found on steep rocky slopes, coarse screes and ravines, particularly on calcareous substrates. Their importance is recognised by inclusion in Annex I of the Habitats Directive. In Valencia, these habitat-types can be found in small enclaves in the Maestrat and Els Ports mountains. They survive inside micro-climates, often cool, humid and shady ravines, hosted within mountain forests of Pinus nigra subsp salzmanii, Quercus ilex, Quercus rotundifolia or Quercus faginea , all of which are identified by the Habitats Directive as priority habitats for conservation. The Valencian Tilio-Acerion formations provide refuge for some of the most representative species, several specific to the region, as well as deciduous species rare within Mediterranean forest landscapes. These habitats are now under threat from farming, over-pasturage, wood production in the pine forests and coal production within the oak forests, which have caused progressive fragmentation and regression of the habitats. Two characteristic species, Tilia platyphyllos and Ulmus glabra , are now listed as vulnerable in the Annex I of the Valencian Catalogue of threatened flora species. Objectives The 'LIFE Renaix El Bosc' (“rebirthing the forest”) project seeks to improve the conservation status of Mediterranean Tilio-Acerion forests in the Tinença de Benifassà and Alt Maestrat SCIs. The aim is to restore 40 plots, covering 265 ha of Tilio-Acerion habitat, including 100 ha under private ownership. Forest structure improvement actions are foreseen across 200 ha, with specific actions to reduce the density of pine forest on 40 ha. An important action will be plant production and planting in the forest. The project intends to produce 25 000 native plants of 25 different species. Of these, 22 500 will be destined for planting to recover the target habitat and the remaining 2 500 used in dissemination and educational activities. To prepare for the conservation actions, the project team will prepare: A botanical and phyto-sociological characterisation report on the Tilio-Acerion enclaves; A characterisation report of the project plots, including cartography and GIS data; Analysis of the human use of the natural sites and local population involvement in the SCIs and their conservation; and An investigation into the reasons for the current low regeneration rates of the habitat. The project seeks to raise awareness about the importance of conserving the most dynamic and diverse Tilio-Acerion forests, to encourage public involvement in sustainable management, and to encourage awareness about Natura 2000 sites. Particular awareness-raising campaigns will be targeted at forest landowners and schools. Expected results Improvement of the conservation status of 265 ha of Tilio-Acerion habitats; Production of 25 000 plants native to Tilio-Acerion habitats; Good practice leaflets on the management of Tilio-Acerion habitats; Technical reports on the habitat sites, including cartography, GIS data, examination of human use and reasons for poor regeneration rates; and Awareness-raising campaigns, including public events, press conferences and technical workshops targeted at forest landowners; the Ajudem el Nostre Bosc (“Help our forest”) campaign in schools; and a 10-minute documentary.

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