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Conservation and management in the National Park 'Duratón River Canyon' (Duratón)
Start date: Oct 1, 2004, End date: Oct 31, 2009 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background With its close meanders and steep cliffs, the Natural Park ‘Duratón River Canyon’, in the North-western end of Segovia province (Castilla y León), includes a large variety of habitats ranging from the aquatic and riparian environments linked to the Duratón River, to the steppe areas up in the plateau crowning the cliffs. Endangered bird species like Golden Eagle, Egyptian Vulture and Peregrine Falcon find refuge in this biodiversity spot proposed for inclusion in the Natura 2000 network both as SPA and pSCI. A management plan is being drafted to ensure the long-term conservation of this popular nature reserve, for which sensitive tourism use is also sought by the site managers. However, visitors are not a threat for the site, where the pattern of smallholding ownership, the past substitution of native riparian woodland by alien vegetation, soil erosion and the ploughing of optimum habitat for the lark Chersophilus duponti are some of the main conservation problems. Objectives This LIFE project aims at developing of a management system that should become a reference for other Natura 2000 sites in the region of Castilla y León, by means of restoration of degraded habitats and conservation of strategic breeding areas for species of Community interest. To achieve this, direct management by the site’s authority will be targeted through the acquisition of a total area of 64 ha spread on different habitat types. Management measures implemented to restore Alnion glutinoso–incanae riparian woodland, to control erosion on the steep slopes of open Juniperus woodland, and to restore the habitat of Chersophilus duponti, aim at demonstrating suitable practices in nature reserves. Side-measures such as the control of Mustela vison to favour the populations of Lutra lutra, and the control of disturbance during the birds’ breeding season are also planned. A wide dissemination campaign will spread knowledge on the site’s natural assets, which will be disseminated by improving the contents of visitor facilities and guided visits.
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