European Projects
Connection Opportunities for People in Europe
Connection Opportunities for People in Europe
Start date: Jul 1, 2016,
End date: Jun 30, 2018
Context: Europe is facing difficulties in integrating the refugees and providing YP with employability skills and jobs. This matter becomes more difficult for PWFO who may face learning difficulties, discrimination, social exclusion. According to Eurostat, ‘youth unemployment rates are generally double or more than double than the unemployment rates for all ages’. (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Unemployment_statistics ) In 2014 about 5.1 million YP in EU were out of work, increased from 4.2 million in 2008. (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Labour_markets_at_regional_level) PWFO face daily problems of social integration, differences of culture, difficulty in financing their education and training, and as a result at risk of marginalisation. COPE objectives:- to promote EU values, diversity, social inclusion, inter-cultural and social dialogue;- to fight against long-term work/education/training inactivity;- to connect YP in Europe to Erasmus+ (E+) beneficiaries to exchange good practices, discuss opportunities, - to increase YP participation in community,- to connect YP with job centres and E+ sending/hosting organisations,- to motivate YPWFO to take part in a mobility project. Research (http://ec.europa.eu/youth/tools/documents/evs-impact_en.pdf ; http://www.europemobility.eu/download/Workshops/DIMITRIOU_Workshop_Impact.pdf ; ADICE-Europe Direct Roubaix from Nord-Pas-de-Calais' study) shows that PWFO taking part in a mobility projects become more confident, open-minded, improve their language skills, enhance their employability skills and in consequence, find jobs easier. The partnership is aware that not all YP and especially PWFO are aware of the existence of such projects and proposes Target group: youth and especially YPWFO. The consortium realises that YPWFO need more/simplified/bespoke training than others to increase their employability skills, prepare for the departure in a mobility project and have equal chances in finding a job. It is also known that PWFO participating in a mobility project are likely to face a ‘cultural shock’ not only upon arrival in the receiving country, but also in making the transition back to the values of their community at home. Activities and results: To address these needs, the following tools will be created: - An online platform: will gather all the created tools and give YPWFO in Europe the opportunity to connect and exchange good practices, advice, practical information, as well to develop their network and to keep in touch with people after their mobility project. The platform will also be used by the YP to write articles, share photos during their project and testimony, keeping a track of their experience. - EU and European and international mobility grants - making EU and mobility understandable to all YP. - A guide helping YP in their project preparation: the guide will explain practical information (e.g. how to get a European Health Insurance Card), the life cycle of a mobility project and provide a list with links and free online materials (grammar, books, videos, vocabulary) helping the YPto improve their language skills.- Online training materials to enhance YPWFO soft skills and support acquisition (documents, links that people can use to prepare themselves before the departure). Impact: As previous participants and managers of mobility projects are aware, the importance of exchanging knowledge with peers is paramount. Connecting people and offering an online training, will not only develop engagement on E+ projects, but allow them to socialise and exchange on cultural diversity, debate about community subjects, cultural events, methods of working. The platform will also facilitate youth managers work while preparing YP before the departure. The participants will already have an overview and know what to generally expect from their future project. Through this platform they can also get in touch with other people during their project and make the integration easier and avoid the project failure. The partnership expects from this project to increase YPWFO soft skills, to address the lack of information regarding the mobility projects, to increase the number of YP taking part in a mobility project and in the community's activities and to increase their cultural and diversity awareness. On long term, more YP will become more participative, increase their acceptance regarding other culture, will find easier a job and contribute to the economic growth. No maximum/minimum no of participants is imposed. The tools are accessible from a distance and at no costs which makes them available to everybody in Europe and around the world. M-Events will be organised in all the participating countries gathering representatives, young people with fewer opportunities (YPWFO) and Alumni. The IOs will be presented and a conference regarding the young people role in community will be held.