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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Confronted with financial problems regarding education and research, the academic environment must deal with well-defined solutions and, therefore, it has to initiate learning partnerships, debates, knowledge expertise and best practices exchanges related to the sustainability of education & research on long term. EU member states have been encouraged to reduce significantly the funds allocated for education and training, with subsequent adverse effects on quality and information access, exchange of best practices, research, etc; actually threatening the future and increasing Europe’s vulnerability to global competition, one solution consisting of innovative and efficient attraction of EU funds. Accounting education is one of the sensible subjects, for which small amounts were directly allocated. Putting under question the accounting education sustainable development, the project wants to find solutions through learning exchange with European dimension, emphasizing the European accounting education&research sustainability in the Information era, based on reduced costs information instruments. The project aims at the increase of adult education volume in lifelong learning, in the context of the new cooperation E&T 2020 strategic framework, promoting peer learning culture, i.e. observation, exchange and mutual learning on common interest experiences at the EU level. It encourages discussion and develops transparency& quality approaches to increase cooperation of the organisations involved in accounting education & research according to the employer's needs in Europe. The project has a direct impact on students, education and research providers but also on civil society-as users, since they have great impact on competitiveness, growth and employment, as Horizon 2020 goals. The project target group is: Academic staff, students, business staff as employers. Activities developed are the following: A1.1. Establishing the project implementation procedures, methods and tools to assess the progress of the project and facilitate its implementation. Elaboration of long term strategy and project sustainability through peer mentoring A1.2. Elaboration of learning materials and curricula A1.3. Creation of an E- Network center and consultancy provision to national and international companies A1.4. Elaboration of studies and analyses for 3 pilot enterprises in each country A1.5. Policy recommendation writing and lobby A1.6. Creation and updating of an interactive website A1.7. Elaboration of Best Practice Guide on Partnership between Research, Academia and private companies Intellectual outputs are the following: O1. Methodology and procedures for target group and pilot companies selection, monitoring and progress management, Internship agreement, Peer Mentor Application and Peer Mentor Contract O2. Open educational on-line resources - network O3.E-Network center for consultation and research O4. Direct research/ consultation for pilot enterprises consisting in studies, analyses directly implemented (3 pilot enterprises in each country) O5. Policy recommendation for finance-accounting graduates to stimulate the increasing rate of their employability O6. Interactive website O7. Best Practice Guide on Partnership between Research, Academia and private companies Three higher education institutions (HEIs) will work on this project. These institutions are: West University of Timisoara, (applicant), yDidziojo University and Universita Degli Studi Di Messina. All partners do have competence in education in finance- accounting field. The CAREER project main objectives are: Ob1. To increase the adult education volume as regards the knowledge improvement related to the CONNECTION BETWEEN ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND THE EMPLOYERS’ NEEDS WITHIN THE EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK. Ob2. To create a long-term partnership among the partners and to improve the partnership quality as well as stimulation of the academic- business partnership. Ob3. To increase the cooperation between the partner organisations involved in accounting education and research according to the employer's needs throughout Europe. Ob4. To support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning as well as to improve pedagogical approaches and the management of adult education organisations. The project intended to bring the following long term benefits: a) Strengthening the collaboration between students, academic staff and business environment in order to transpose the knowledge added value in practice; b) Provides insights into accounting profession in the international employment context; c) Increasing of the employability of the participants through directly getting in touch with international companies.
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2 Partners Participants