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Connecting Ukraine Germany 2015
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project takes place within the EU-program Erasmus+, European volunteer Service. The coordinating and hosting organization S'Einlädele is active in working with homeless in Freiburg/Germany. S'Einlädele also runs a Second Hand Store and a café, with the purpose to support a social facility in Ukraine: an orphanage, home for elderly, shelter for single mothers, etc. Also, transports of necessary goods take place regularely into the Ukraine. An additional and new partner is the hosting organization Berliner Stadtmission, who also is involved with homeless people in Berlin. Both organizations cooperated already before, however on other issues. A common project under the umbrella of Europaen Voluneer Service will add to the quality of their relationship. This project wants to inspirit the bridging between the German organizations and the social facility in Ukraine. It also wants to open an opportunity of learning for two young volunteer, who grew up themselves in the orphanage. The third volunteer is a young man, who did not grow up in the orphange, but he and his familiy were in loose contact to the ukrainian facility and they got support from this side, too. Due to an accident and shock with high voltage current he is heavily handicapped. The project is supposed to last for 12 months. Two of the volunteers will come to Freiburg, the third will do her volunteers service in Berlin. All three of them - according to their own interests, ideas and abilities - will work within different fields of the hosting organisations. They will collect intercultural and working experiences and they can learn German. This might open them professional opportunities. Additionally, it is an aim, that they get familiar with structures of democracy and with the European idea. During preparation and for the entire duration of the project all partners (CO, HO, SO) will cooperate closely. The volunteers are included in planing and running the project and they are supposed to play an active part. The sending organisation is responsible to prepare the volunteers. At the hosting organisations there are various people who take care and support the volunteers. Regularly meetings will reflect the process of learning. At the end, the project will be evaluated from all participants, results will influence possible projects in the future. Learning successes will be documented in Youthpasses. This project has the following aims: individual support of young volunteers with less opportunities, developing a personal and professional perspective and future, developing self-esteem, learning a new language, reflecting different cultures by personal contacts, getting familiar with structures of democracy and participation, intensifying the exchange between Germany and Ukraine by organizing cultural events with (Ukrainian) artists. Last but not least, the conciliation is an important aspect, too, because of cruelties during the second world war.

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