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"Connecting Mind & Body to Stay Well" Youth Exchange
Start date: Jun 30, 2015, End date: Oct 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/background: The #StayWell2015 project originated from a youth exchange that took place in the West of Ireland in the summer of 2014, exploring the effects of mental health on youth immersed in an always-connected digital world. A presentation by Mr. Finbar Walsh, of the Donal Walsh Live-Life Foundation, stressed the importance of sport for positive mental health. From this session, some of the participants proposed to continue the positive mental health theme but focusing on the area of sport and exercise. Objectives: Our main objective is to help the participants understand the links between positive mental health and exercise, by studying and researching how sport can contribute to the well-being of the person and how it applies to young people in particular. Making use of John J Ratey's book 'Spark' as a resource we want the participants to discover the positive effects that exercise has on learning problems; stress related activity; anxiety and depression due to peer pressure; attention deficit disorders associated with technology and fighting addictions. Another objective of the project is to encourage the participants to become leaders within their social circles. To this end, we hope that discussing also some of the topics covered by Bill Courtney's text, ‘Against the Grain’, will give them practical tips on how leaders and coaches can have an impact on an individual’s character and family relationships. An important aspect of our project is to appreciate how exercise positively affects the elderly. In this regard, a key learning outcome expected from the project is the development of an Infographic for distribution to nursing and retirement homes to make elderly people more aware of the positive links between exercise and mental health. Broader objectives will include helping the participants appreciate cultural diversity (learning about each other's cultures and traditions), becoming aware of the potential power of sport to unite people with social differences, and coming to understand the unifying effect of sport on the young person's character. Number and profile of participants: There will be about 30 youths, from Ireland and Holland, aged 13 to 17 taking part in the #StayWell2015 project, which will include a youth exchange in Cuskinny Court, Co. Cork for 8 days during July. Description of activities: In preparation for the main activity (the week-long youth exchange in Cork during July), each group of participants will conduct some surveys and studies to explore the link between mental and physical health as derived from exercise and sport. The specific activities that will be carried our during the Youth Exchange are outlined in the attached Programme. The methodology will consist in a number of non-formal workshops and speaker presentations, interviews and surveys and sport-related exercises to explore the key themes of the project. Participants will explore the links between healthy mind and body making use of two key texts: 'Spark' by John J Ratey and 'Against the Grain' by Bill Courtney. Impact and potential longer term benefits: We hope the new found learning concerning the links between mind and body will encourage our participants to take up leadership positions and be more involved in their local communities, schools and clubs. The projects findings will be made available to the participants and their leaders in the form of an audiovisual documentary for easy dissemination. Some participants will be expected to run presentations and explain what they learned on the project in their respective communities. The Infographic for the elderly (which will include simple tips to keep active and its positive effects on mental health) should have a long lasting impact in elderly organisations, retirement homes and families where helping the elderly is a key concern. By working together and taking an active role in this project, participants will also develop other soft-skills such as teamwork, meeting deadlines, participation, an awareness of learning by self-reflection and understanding the importance of sharing good ideas with others in society. This process of self-reflection will be fostered for each of the participants by the completion of their Youthpass.

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